Friday, June 19, 2009

Glenn Beck's Three Page Letter

Glenn Beck read a three page letter on the air that has sparked up a lot of interest across the net. He had the 53 year old woman from Arizona on his T.V. show last night. She said she was a Democrat her whole life but made a switch during the recent election. She now says that even Republicans in office are not fully doing their duty and calls them to a higher standard and more to the right (my paraphrase). Anyways, you can find a link to the letter here Link. Here is part of the letter here...

One, illegal immigration. I want you to stop coddling illegal immigrants and secure our borders...

Two, the TARP bill, I want it repealed and I want no further funding supplied to it. We told you no, but you did it anyway...


Bible Prophecy on the Web July 20, 2009 at 5:20 PM  

The environmental declines we are facing throughout the world today is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. Once one-fourth part of the earth is destroyed (Re.6:7-8) we will move forward to the next Seal events, followed by Trumpet events, followed by Plague events. The earth is on a downhill slid from which it will not recover. The first four Trumpet events will destroy an additional one-third (Re.8:7-12).

Patricia (© 1982) Bible Prophecy on the Web

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