Monday, June 22, 2009

Theories Behind the $134.5 Billion in Fake Bonds

O.k. First there are two different stories released. Then no one can figure out of the bonds are fake, then they are easily noticeable fakes. Now Italy can't even find the two Japanese men who were arrested. What's going on here?

Let's look at the fact that a large percentage of the bonds were in $500 Million denominations. That would take a Government or possibly a large bank to have access to a $500 Million Bond in order to make a life like copy. Who would have access to this?

And why is the amount of the bonds the same as the amount ($134.5 Billion) in Tarp funds? Is this just a strange coincidence? And why would Italy just let these two guys go?

There are a lot of holes here.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Glenn Beck's Three Page Letter

Glenn Beck read a three page letter on the air that has sparked up a lot of interest across the net. He had the 53 year old woman from Arizona on his T.V. show last night. She said she was a Democrat her whole life but made a switch during the recent election. She now says that even Republicans in office are not fully doing their duty and calls them to a higher standard and more to the right (my paraphrase). Anyways, you can find a link to the letter here Link. Here is part of the letter here...

One, illegal immigration. I want you to stop coddling illegal immigrants and secure our borders...

Two, the TARP bill, I want it repealed and I want no further funding supplied to it. We told you no, but you did it anyway...

Thursday, June 18, 2009

$134 B In U.S. Bonds - Clearly Fakes

Apparently the over $134 Billion in U.S. Bonds that were found on two Japanese men on a train headed into Switzerland last week are now being called clearly fakes. But the possibility still lies that theses bonds were possibly printed by a government using high quality printing machines due to the accuracy. Some of the bonds were for over $500 million! dollars, and a few were for over $1 Billion! Apparently this isn't the first time bonds have been counterfeited by a government (if this were the case) as North Korea has been caught in the past producing U.S. bonds. Right now more information is not being released stating that more investigation needs to be done.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Brad Thor Special for Glenn Beck Insiders

If you are an Insider, tune in after today's radio show, for a special on-air show with Brad Thor. Brad has spent a lot of time in Afghanistan researching his newest book The ApostleBrad Thor the Apostle. If you miss it, I'm thinking there may be a recording on the site later. Check it out!

Official Review Glenn's New Book Common Sense Thread

Ok, if you've picked up the book, go ahead and leave a review on this post. Did you like it, didn't you like it, what you thought, etc. If you still haven't picked up the book, you can get it here from Amazon, free shipping.

Pick Up 20/20 "Day in the Life of Glenn" DVD at Glenn's Site

If you missed the 20/20 special on Glenn, or just want to grab a copy, Glenn is offering it on his website, a 30 minute compressed special in DVD format.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Glenn Beck Common Sense Officially Out!

Glenn wanted to originally release his Common Sense book anonymously on the web, but it is finally here! Grab your copy for only about $6.50 over at Amazon here, Glenn Beck Common Sense at Amazon. It's available in Paperback as well as Audio and Kindle versions. You may be able to find a used version too. Leave any reviews here! You can also find the new book available at Wal-mart.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Two Japanese Men Caught Carrying $134 Billion in U.S. Bonds

Japanese Men Carrying U.S. American Bonds
Glenn hit on a news article that didn't get much attention on his radio show today. Apparently two Japanese men were found carrying over $134 Billion worth of U.S. bonds on a train by Italian police investigators. No one has been able to say yet whether the bonds were authentic or not (counterfeit), but this was a huge amount of money, and definitely something of interest to look at. He'll be following up with more as his team investigates into it.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Glenn Beck's New Common Sense Book Out

Glenn's new book Common Sense has hit shelves. You can find a copy for under $10 (paperback) over at Amazon, just use the link below.

Glenn Beck Common Sense BookBuy Glenn Beck's Common Sense: The Case Against an Out-of-Control Government, Inspired by Thomas Paine

Glenn has made this in a paperback so that it will be cheaper to purchase. The price right now for the paperback is under $10 (unlike his last two books which were both released originally only in hard cover). The book is also available in audio book (download) format and also the new Kindle format at the link above.

Glenn seeks to attack both Republicans and Democrats and make a case for common sense and a common neutral ground for all to stand on in his newest book. Check out a copy today and help support Glenn Beck!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Glenn Part Three of Housing Bust

Glenn finished up his third part of the housing 'Boom or Bust' section today, featuring famous economist Thomas Sowell. You can get a copy of his book from Amazon using the Link below (also available in Audio & Kindle Download).

Thomas Sowell - The Housing Boom and Bust

Here's part one and part two of that interview:

Part 1 with Sowell:

Part 2 with Sowell:

BreitBart Follows Up On Glenn Beck Amtrack Story

Breitbart investigated into the Glenn Beck Amtrack story and was on Glenn Beck's show today about it. You can find a link to the story here,

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Post Your Glenn Beck Comedy Tour Reviews Here!

Here is the official thread to post any of your Glenn Beck Common Sense Comedy Tour reviews here to any of you who have seen it! (Even the Simulcast version!) Remember you can still grab tickets over at Go Glenn!

Glenn Beck's First Comedy Show in Denver

Glenn just completed his first Common Sense comedy tour show in Denver last night. He will be appearing in Phoenix, Arizona for his second show tonight. If you were there, or knew someone who was, please leave a comment! Take care.

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